As I say goodbye to a family member and a family friend in 2023, I’m also remembering those who left us in the previous three years. So many lives lost!
We grieve their passing and at the same time we celebrate their life and recognize the impact they had on their family and community.
How do you remember your loved ones?
I remembered listening to my older brother’s eulogy at his funeral on August 2009 and thinking ‘Wow he had done a lot for his community’. Then I wondered about my eulogy. What would it say? How would everyone remember me? With tears running down my face I thought it would be the shortest eulogy ever. Four words. She moved a lot. That’s because I was always on the move and I’m still moving. Sure, I was hard on myself. I was crying for my loss but in retrospect was I mourning my shortcomings? It was a loss either way. However, that eulogy was the impetus I needed to take a long hard look at my life, begin to actively serve others and strive to be a better person.
Now whenever friends or family members pass away, I cherish their memory, look for their life lessons to help me grow and find new ways to serve others.
After the grieving period, did anyone’s death have a positive impact on your life?
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
Live for today.
Cherish your family and friends.
Serve others.
Build a legacy.
The following is from a poem I wrote to remember my brother.
We remember you,
a thought away
our lives forever
changed on that day.
now share our journey
we will always be together.
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All I'll say is: *Niceness*